Provisional Fellow Member
A provisional Fellow/Member shall fulfill all qualifications for membership except one or more of the following: 1) application/election to the component society; 2) fulfillment of the component society’s on-site office anesthesia evaluation; and 3) attendance at a component society meeting if this is a membership requirement of the component society.
Provisional membership should only apply for a two-year period. If all membership requirements are not fulfilled within this two-year period, the provisional Fellow/Member must reapply and document acceptable reasons to continue his status as a provisional Fellow/Member.
A provisional Fellow/Member shall enjoy the same privileges as a member of this Association. Upon successfully fulfilling all membership requirements, the provisional Fellow/Member shall automatically be transferred to the proper membership classification as determined by the Committee on Membership.
Annual Fee: $1,585 (unless eligible for graduated fees or a federal service discount)
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (required): $155
Please note: All newly elected members and fellows are charged a building assessment fee of $50 for the first 10 years of AAOMS membership. The charge will be reflected on the annual dues statement.